Thursday, January 27, 2011

Around the World Intramural (Week 1) - China

Mrs. Beck, our music teacher and I are teaching the students in our after school intramural a song and visual art from six different countries. Our first country was China. We all had a great time as we practiced painting the Chinese symbols for the letters of our names in calligraphy.

Our ATW artists used a watercolor brush and India ink to paint the combination of lines that made up the Chinese letters of their name.

                   Everyone did a great job filling the space with the Chinese letters for their name..

 After the ink dried they used a glue stick or stapler to add a bright red paper frame.

    Wednesday, January 26, 2011

    Fourth Grade Op Art

    Fourth grade artists made 3D cubes out of their Op Art this year.     

    They took six (6inch x 6inch) pieces of Op Art and connected them to make a cube. Some of the students used a few Op Art handout to complete the project.  The introduction to this art lesson includes learning about the famous Op artists Bridget Riley and Victor Vassarelly.

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    To make this type of op art the students started by drawing small shapes as obstacles on their paper. Next they repeated each shape until they started running into each other. When that happened they decided how to complete their art. I did give some suggestions for the students that were a little unsure of what to do. Filling in some of the shapes that are left creates a nice contrast. 

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    Sunday, January 23, 2011

    5th Grade Color Fold Overs

    Our 5th grade artists had a great time making fold over paintings after working really hard on their detailed 12 step color wheels. They loved seeing what was created when they opened up their folded paper!
    Many of them were successful in making the secondary and intermediate colors by positioning the primary color areas in the correct places. Others just got lucky :)

    4TH GRADE Vincent Van Gogh Inspired Still Life

    4th Grade artists at Sinking Springs create amazing pastell still life pieces! Each step taken in the process of making them is so interesting.

    1. We begin by viewing the entertaining video, Getting to Know the World's Greatest Artists, Vincent Van Gogh. After the video we play a review game until the end of the class period. Our 4th grade artists have great recall of what they viewed!
    2. The next class period we draw a still life with a pencil on dark colored paper. Vincent Van Gogh's, "Sunflowers", as well as other art prints and a collection of silk flowers are used for inspiration.
    3.  When the drawing is complete we outline what we have drawn with Elmer's glue to create a texture. The still life projects laid out flat to dry for the next art class.

    Saturday, January 22, 2011

    5th Grade Positive and Negative Space

    In this exercise, the fifth grade students explored the relationship between positive and negative space. SPACE and SHAPE, two of the elements of design, work together to form a finished work of art. Positive spaces are those occupied by the main subject of the work. The Negative space is the space around and between the main subjects.  A good artist realizes that the space surrounding an object is just as important as that object itself.

    Wednesday, January 19, 2011

    6th Grade Radial Name Renderings

    Sixth Grade Artists started out this project by reviewing the ELEMENTS OF ART and PRINCIPLES OF DESIGN. Each artist created a RADIAL NAME DESIGN while focusing on LINE, SHAPE, COLOR, VALUE, PATTERN, BALANCE, and UNITY.

    5th Grade Line, Shape, Pattern Name Renderings

    Fifth Grade Artists reviewed the elements of art and the principles of design before they began their  LINE, SHAPE, PATTERN NAME DESIGN. First they drew the SHAPE of something of their choosing. Next they filled the shape by stretching out the letters of their name to fill the SPACE . A variety of PATTERN was used to fill in the areas that were created. Our fifth grade artists did an awesome job! The VALUES  (lights and darks) they created with pattern in their art are excellent!

    Click on Armari's rendering to view a close up her detailed art work.
    Kate's name rendering fills the SPACE of the paper beautifully!
    Evan likes to include a guitar whenever possible. His ideas are 
    always so creative!